Work Package 8: Project management and PR

As a network management organization of the Bavaria Biotechnology Cluster and the awarded Munich leading-edge cluster “m4 - personalized medicine and targeted therapies”, BioM Biotech Cluster Management GmbH, led by Prof. Huss, has substantial experience in the management of large consortia. This experience and the integrative coordination of DigiMed Bayern should turn the project into a clinical, medical and future-oriented flagship project for digitized medicine.

The activities are defined in the work plan. With the support of the other project participants, this also includes a systematic collaboration of Bavarian, national and international associations, projects and institutions in the field of P4 medicine. Aim is the acquisition of the synergistic and competitive environment, of the historical and prospective dynamics, and ultimately to develop a strategic location and an optimized future concept for DigiMed Bayern. This and the initiation of strategic partnerships is ongoing and results in a detailed report after the conception phase.

(updated: Dec. 2019)

Dr. Jens Wiehler
Dr. Jens Wiehler

Digital Health Lead, Managing Director DigiMed Bayern

+49 (0) 89 / 89 96 79-36